Police arrests 02 drug peddlers in Kulgam, contraband substances recovered

May 23: Continuing its efforts to eradicate the menace of drugs from the society, police have arrested 02 drug peddlers in Kulgam and recovered contraband/psychotropic substances from their possession.

A police party of Police Station Kulgam led by SHO PS Kulgam during patrolling at Danew Bogund intercepted a suspicious person who on noticing police party tried to flee from the spot but was apprehended tactfully by alert police party. During search, officers were able to recover 1.7 grams of Charas like contraband substance from his possession. He has been identified as Mohd Yousuf Khanday son of Abdul Ahad Khanday resident of Danew Bogund.

In another action, a police party headed by Incharge Police Post Frisal at a checkpoint established at Peerbal intercepted a vehicle bearing registration No. JK02AU-0653 driven by Kamran Gull Bhat son of Ghulam Mohammad Bhat resident of Hardu Akad Mattan, Anantnag. During checking, officers were able to recover 11Kgs of Poppy Straw and 12 bottles of codeine phosphate like contraband substances from his possession.

All the accused persons have been arrested and shifted to respective police stations where they remain in custody. Vehicle used in commission of crime was also seized.

Accordingly, cases under relevant sections of law have been registered in respective police stations and further investigation has been initiated.

Community members are requested to come forward with any information regarding drug peddling in their neighbourhood. Persons found indulging in drug peddling will be dealt as per law. Our consistent actions against drug peddlers should reassure the community members that we are making efforts to keep our society free from the scourge of drug menace.```