Police arrests drug peddler in Sopore; Psychotropic substances recovered

February 10:`In its continued commitment to combating the scourge of drug abuse from the society, Police in Sopore has made a significant breakthrough by apprehending a drug peddler and recovered psychotropic substances from his possession.

During patrolling at Baghat Butpora Sopore, a police team led by SHO of Police Station Sopore under the supervision of SDPO Sopore Shri. Sarfaraz Bashir-JKPS, intercepted a suspicious person carrying a polythene bag. He has been identified as Aijaz Ahmad Najar son of Ghulam Din Najar resident of Mumkak Butpora Sopore. During search, officers were able to recover 13 bottles of Codeine Phosphate (each containing 100 ml) from his possession. He has been arrested and shifted to police station where he remains in custody.

Accordingly, a case vide FIR No. 29/2024 under relevant sections of law have been registered at Police Station Sopore and investigation has been initiated.

We urge public to remain vigilant and report any instances of drug peddling or other criminal activities to the nearest police establishment or by dialling 112. Police reassures the community that stringent action will be taken against criminals as per law. Together, we can create a safer and drug-free environment for all.```