SSP Kishtwar Convenes Subsidiary Multi-Agency Centre (SMAC) Meeting at District Police Headquarters in Kishtwar

Kishtwar, Feb. 16: In a concerted effort to bolster security and intelligence collaboration, SSP Kishtwar, Shri Abdul Qayoom-JKPS,* orchestrated a pivotal Subsidiary Multi-Agency Centre (SMAC) meeting at District Police Headquarters Kishtwar today. The meeting was attended by the territorial officers of Police, Army, CAPF and various intelligence agencies operating in the District.

During the session, a comprehensive dialogue ensued concerning the prevailing security landscape, with officers sharing invaluable insights, suggestions, and assessments. The primary focus of the deliberations revolved around formulating joint strategies aimed at efficient ground monitoring. This encompassed strategies for effective area domination, surveillance on anti-social elements, and the imperative aspect of social media monitoring viz-a-viz security arrangements in view of upcoming events were also discussed in detail and specific instructions were issued.

*In his address to the assembled officers, SSP Kishtwar* underscored the exigency of a unified approach in safeguarding the peaceful atmosphere of the district. Strategies were meticulously devised to preempt mischievous activities, counter the dissemination of rumors, and defuse communal tensions. Anticipated events were delineated, with officers urged to work in tandem to ensure a synchronized response to any potential challenges on the ground.

*SSP Kishtwar* further stressed upon the officers to maintain coordination and synergy of the highest level and advised that any potential information is shared among all the security forces so that the same is corroborated for real time action.

The meeting culminated on a positive note, marked by a resolute commitment to enhanced coordination and cooperation among all agencies. SSP Kishtwar expressed optimism that the collective endeavors would significantly contribute to the preservation of security and tranquility within the district.