Online financial fraud case of ₹32,900 solved by Pacca Danga Police Station,Jammu

Jammu, 21: The Pacca Danga Police Station has successfully resolved an online financial fraud case involving ₹32,900. The complaint, received through the station's online portal, detailed a fraudulent transaction linked to an astrology-related website.

The complainant reported that she had searched for astrology services online and received a telephone call from a person associated with the website. Trusting the caller, she made a payment via Google Pay for an astrology data report. Subsequently, without verifying her bank balance, she found that Rs 32,900 had been deducted from her account.

Upon receiving the complaint, Sub-Inspector Rahul Dogra of Pacca Danga Police Station initiated an immediate and thorough enquiry. Under the leadership of SHO Pacca Danga, and with close supervision from the SDPO City North and overall supervision of SP City North Jammu, the team worked diligently to investigate the matter.

Through their swift and dedicated efforts, the police team managed to recover the full amount. Rs 32,900 was successfully reverted back to the complainant's bank account, ensuring that the victim suffered no financial loss.

This case highlights the commitment of the Jammu Police to protecting citizens from cyber fraud and ensuring justice through prompt and efficient action.